When Bill Weber started this company is 1969, it was as clear then, as it is now, what kind of an organization he wanted to build: a forever company made up of high-character employees who create tremendous value for customers, shareholders, and local communities by paying attention to details and playing by the rules. A forever company strives to be a valued partner to our service vendors, contractors, and suppliers. Establishing a climate at Webco where a culture of strength, agility, and innovation could evolve, and employing the right people empowered to make the right decisions has been essential. From leadership to the factory floor, selecting and cultivating employees who truly want to make a difference by “doing the right thing” has been critical to our ability to grow and prosper.
Webco’s Rules and Conduct of Ethics Policy »
You don’t build a stellar reputation in the business world and your local community without living by a code of ethics. We started doing things the right way at Webco when our doors opened for business in 1969 and remain committed to the highest level of integrity and ethics, whether on-the-job manufacturing products or interacting with shareholders, customers, suppliers, fellow employees, and communities. The key to maintaining effective business relationships today is building trust. We’ve earned that trust by consistently making good on our promises and working to deliver value from supply chain to solution.
Our Team
Teams are the way that we do business at Webco. That applies internally and externally. Working together as a team is the most effective tool available to meet our goals as individuals (each employee is accountable for deliverables), as a company, and as a reliable supplier of dependable tube products to the world. Customers and suppliers often leverage our team concept to their benefit, working with us on everything from developing custom products to collaborating about capacity needed to meet future tubing requirements. Teamwork extends to everything we do and to everyone who works for or with Webco. Webco’s workforce is committed to best practices that lead to smooth, safe operation 24/7. Quality always, but safety first! Teams are regularly trained in the company’s evolving manufacturing, QA, and support systems, enabling us to stay on top of industries’ continuously expanding, non-negotiable needs. Commitment to improvement is nothing without training and proper execution. Webco is relentless in its drive to improve every step of the tube manufacturing process, from order entry to delivery. Our goal is to provide customers with the most reliable partner in the tubing business.
Our Commitment To The Community
Commitment can be a hollow word unless it is backed up by a history of following through on promises. Webco has been fully committed to its customers, suppliers, employees, and community since its founder Bill Weber opened the Southwest Tube facility in 1969. The company has reinforced its commitments by continuously investing in new facilities and equipment for more than 40 years. Today we continue to follow through and delight our customers and community with Greenfield plants that allow us to supply high quality products and meet very demanding timetables. We will continue to become a company that is stronger for its employees and community and more agile and innovative for its customers and suppliers. That is our long-term commitment to you and to ourselves.