Country / Continent | Patent Number | Title |
USA | 11,666,980 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
USA | 11,339,900 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
USA | 11,014,181 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
Japan | 6744500 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
Korea | 10-2089308 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
Brazil | BR112019016694-7 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
Canada | 3,052,815 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
Mexico | MX/a/2019/009664 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
United Arab Emirates | 5844 | Work Hardened Welds and Methods for Same |
European | EP3580485 | Work Hardened Weld and Method for Producing Such Weld |